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The Global Child Nutrition Forum

Supporting countries in the development and implementation of sustainable school feeding programs.

Country Governments Represented
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Private Sector Partners
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Nonprofit Partners
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What is the GCNForum?

Every year, the Forum brings together those interested in school feeding and child nutrition programs, including representatives of government offices, companies, international organizations, NGOs, academic institutions, and many others. The Forum encourages open dialogue and the sharing of experiences, best practices, lessons learned, challenges, and options to sustainably support nutritious home-grown school meal programs. 

GCNForum Resources

GCNForum Documents And Reports

GCNForum Documents And Reports

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MarketPlace and Partner Resources

MarketPlace and Partner Resources

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Why should I attend the GCNForum?

The Global Child Nutrition Forum is the largest international conference on school meals in the world. The Forum is a rare opportunity to share your experience with school meal programs – including successes and challenges – and to learn what others are doing. The Forum provides the opportunity to interact with experts from around the world, see other school meal programs in action, share your programs and products, and more.

Government Representatives

We particularly encourage participation of government representatives from the sectors which gain the most benefit from investing in nutritious, locally-sourced school meal programs: Education, Agriculture, Finance, Health, Industry and Trade, and Budget and Planning.


The Forum helps to facilitate healthy and sustainable relationships between national governments operating school meal programs and the private sector. Multinational, regional, and national companies of all sizes are welcome to attend.

International Organizations & UN Agencies

Multilateral organizations have the opportunity to interact with a broad range of partner governments in one place at the Forum, and to connect with other partner organizations and institutions involved in school meal programs and related matters.

NGOs & Academic Institutions

Non-governmental, nonprofit, and academic organizations are able to connect with existing stakeholders involved in school meal programs and related matters and to forge new relationships with governments, businesses and other NGOs.